La boutonnière , or boutonniere , it is worn on the lapel of the jacket .
It is the best man who has to deal with it buttonholes , bearing in mind that all the guests, if they wish, can pin it on their jacket.
The great classic regarding the choice of flower is the gardenia , but the white carnation (symbolizing loyalty), the camellia , the pink or the bouquet of lilies of the valley.
To avoid flowers with pistils that could stain.
The boutounnière can be worn without or without the pochette. If you want to wear the boutonniere with a pocket square, be careful not to overdo it. Try to keep a certain balance and not create too many flashes of colour. Hopefully with a white pochette you won't go wrong.
The boutonniere must be considered as an accessory to be combined as is your pocket square and your tie.
If you want to stand out and show a little romance, next time wear a boutonniere, on the other hand today it has started to be seen more frequently and revived by a designer like Lardini , who has made the boutonniere his “flagship”.